Sunday, March 29, 2009


Some of you may remember a post way back of a cute little field mouse on my back step. Well apparently that cute little field mouse called up his WHOLE family, and decided to be permanent residence of our yard this winter. (I know it could be worse, my garage or my house!)
We were playing in the yard when we found a few small piles of dirt. Upon further investigation there were tons of tunnels and grooves in the yard just under all the dead grass they were using to hide under. (At least 6ftx6ft square of our yard) We found 5 holes that led into the tunnels. At this point we were unsure what in the world had done this to our yard. But we had a brilliant idea to pull out the hose and give our neighbors something to talk about.(That would be US!) The whole family was out each watching a hole not knowing what might come out. First one little mouse. Then 8 more little furry friends made their way to the soggy surface. We caught each one in random snow/sand buckets and eventually had to pull out a tupperware container to hold them all! Each time was accompanied by several shrill screams followed by mass chaos while we tried to catch each one.WE couldn't kill them, the girls the whole time are yelling don't HURT them. So we were kind and took them into the middle of a field and let them go. I am going to be kicking myself if I find them in my yard again or in my garage! If this is the case we may be the proud new owners of a large snake, or maybe just a nice kitty that like to eat cute furry things.....


  1. It's a blogging FRENZY!! I can't believe how many mice you had in your yard. When did you find them under all this snow? I really hope they don't come back...that is kind of creepy!! Like you said you can always get an outside kitty that is sure to solve your problem.

  2. I have a cat you can have...although I don't think she is much of a mouse killer. That would require her to actually do something besides sleep. What a crazy experience. I am glad you found them before they thought about exploring your house!

  3. We may own a mouse hunter if I find one more "little friend" in my house. 3 has been too much for me.

  4. Hey Jessica! I don't have your current email address because an email I sent you just popped back to me. I want to catch up with you. I had a dream last night that you guys came to Cincinnati looking for a job and totally surprised us. Crazy, but it made me miss you so much! We have been looking at flights out west because the fares are so low right now, but we can't seem to find the perfect flight. If we decide to head out there though, we will have to try and meet up. We are still planning a Yellowstone trip in the next few years though. I hope all is well!

  5. Hey Jess,
    I check your blog all the time but never get a chance to leave a comment. I can't believe how old Kaitlyn looks! Her baptism picture is so cute. Sounds like you guys are doing good. We miss you!

  6. i can totally see you screaming and running around your yard after the mice, and I'm laughing hysterically.

  7. Anonymous11 May, 2009

    Ho! We have a few mouse stories of our own. Try living in the middle of a desert! circa 1977. Thank goodness we had a resident owl who showed up every evening.

    Your blogs are always so fun to read!


  8. Anonymous11 May, 2009

    By the way, my post showed up as "anonymous" simply because it would not post with any other profile. Hmmmmm . . .


  9. Jess,
    by the way, your pledge tip is the greatest tip ever! is it sad that things like that make me feel happy inside? :)

  10. So... updates!!! I'm waiting to hear about Disneyland, among other things.
