Wednesday, September 26, 2007

The Berry MoNsTeR

Last week we went to Huber's Farm with Cathy. We picked Raspberries and Madelyn LOVED them! She was covered within minutes. Ashleigh, and Jenna didn't want her to come close to them because she was so messy. It was so funny watching Madelyn chase the girls throughout the berry patch. Madelyn would also steal my basket of berrys every times I sat it down.

We also picked some apples and brought home some delicious Apple cider. (Which I was dying to have, it is the best!)When we went to pay they had me pay a quarter for Madelyn! She must have looked like she ate her weight in berries!

Paper Clutter No More

Okay so yesterday I spent the day sorting years worth of school papers for Kaitlyn and Jenna. I am so excited though. My sister in law (Julie) had a great idea of making their papers into a book. I went to Kinko's and got them bound this morning! I was just so impressed with how they turned out and my girls absolutely love them!! The best part is that you can add to it. For example Jenna has one more year of preschool. At the end of next year I will compile her papers, and have Kinko's punch the binding holes in it. Then I can just add it to her preschool book. I also laminated the front and back page just to make it a little more durable.Thanks so much for the idea.

Now if I just had a plan to keep Madelyn from destroying the house....

Monday, September 24, 2007


I have noticed that a lot of my fellow bloggers have started doing private blogs. Did I miss something? Is blogging not as safe as I thought it was? How do you go about doing a private blog anyway?

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sleepless in Kentucky

Kaitlyn drew this parrot at school, I thought she did such a great job!

I loved the idea of scanning it into our computer!(thanks Cathy) I am completely over run with paper clutter each day when the girls get home from school. Does anyone have any ideas on how to cut down on school papers? Kaitlyn wants to keep everything, and it just isn't possible! I have tried to have her just pick one or two of her favorites, but it seems to be a gut wrenching decision for her.( Oh the Drama!)

So we have always felt pretty blessed for this little house we have been renting. (I still owe Deanna at the very least a Steak Dinner, for helping us find it.) Just recently I have been feeling that itch, where I am ready for a change. I don't feel like I have room for anything anymore. (Partly due to my daughters paper obsession!) I am sure it comes from all our friends getting settled into there new houses. I am slightly jealous! (No really after the critter incident, I think I might be ready to move on!) The top on our list is a house with a bathroom fan! That isn't to much to ask, after 7 years of marriage is it?? Okay, so I am sure you all have things about your houses/neighborhoods that just drive you crazy. Our big one is that the trash man comes at wee hours in the morning for the businesses just down the street. I understand they have to start somewhere, but do they really have to bang the dumpster several times repeatedly at 4 in the morning? We have never really had to much problem here, other than the drunk guy who ran his bike into our tree in the middle of the night. Last night at 3:00 in the morning someone decided it was the fourth of July!! Fireworks were going off! It seriously lasted for about 5 minutes! They are just lucky that my kids had already ALL been up for various reasons, and were now sleeping soundly! I was so mad! So I went back to bed and fumed about it for a while and worried mindlessly about this, that, and the other. I just settled in and started dosing off again when Madelyn woke up! ( Fortunately my sweet husband got up this time, and that doesn't happen very often.)I just want a whole nights sleep! You know one without critters gnawing on things in the middle of the night, with out trash cans banging and fireworks going off. Oh yes and then one where ALL of the children sleep soundly through the night! Oh and a house with a bathroom FAN!!

The Wonder Woman Award!

Thank you Deanna for the Wonder Woman Award!! I am honored!
I have been thinking of a few good nominees, Drum Roll please......
I am nominating Cathy Borders, and Kariann Olson! Sorry Ladies I am a computer KLUTZ, and can't seem to figure out how to display your Wonder Woman Roses!

Cathy: I am always so amazed at all you accomplish. You are such an organized person. Your house is always spotless, and you always seem to be completely in control of whatever is thrown your way. I think you are such a great leader and have done so many great things with our Primary. I am so glad we have been able to get to know you and your beautiful family for one more year. You truly are a WONDER WOMAN!!

Kariann: We don't get the chance to catch up very often. But I think about you a lot. I think you are such a cute Mom, and you had to wait so long. TWINS need I say more! You seem to already have it down! My eyes are closing just thinking about how sleepless your nights could be. And then on top of being a very busy Mom, supporting Brady in all of his endeavors. You truly are a WONDER WOMAN!

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Nine Eleven

On my way home from taking Jenna to school this morning. I saw the fireman as they were just raising this flag. It brought tears to my eyes. First because it was one of the biggest flags I think I have ever seen, and at that moment, it made me proud to see it. And second, because life goes by so quickly, and we forget things so easily. I had remembered on Sunday that this week marked the 6th anniversary of the events on September 11th. But I got up this morning rushing around, and I didn't realize what day it was, until I drove by, and saw the flag. I truly am proud to be an American! My heart goes out to all those that have suffered from the tragic events of this day.

A new addition to the family

Last weekend we went camping by Nolin Lake with the Borders and the Woodens. It is always fun to see different areas of the State. Kentucky is truly beautiful, and HUMID! Sleeping in a tent with four other bodies doesn't help the heat any either. Fortunately, Madelyn woke up several times during the night, and I could go roam the woods in the dark with my crying kid! I think all the adults woke up the next morning wondering why we torture ourselves for a night like this. But one look at the energetic kiddos catching bugs, and playing in the fire, and a good s'more, seems to make it all worth while. We always have a good time when we go, and leave with lots of fun memories. This time we also left with a little more than a memory...
We found a FROG! Which was quickly adopted and claimed for her own, by none other than Jenna! The frogs name is Hoppy! I have never seen Jenna so attached to anything ever. She hates creepy crawly things. However, she nearly passed up swimming in the lake, just to be able to hold "Hoppy" a little bit longer.
We told the girls that when we left, the frog would have to stay. The closer we got to leaving, the more evident it was, that we were not going to be able to leave, without Hoppy the frog.
I had to pry the container out of Jenna's hand, just to drive in the car.(Call me Crazy, but I didn't want to have a flying frog land in my lap, as we were driving down the interstate!)Anyway we now have a cage for hoppy and so far she has fared well. (Poor Joe even our pets are female!)
I just hope she(the frog) lives long enough for the novelty of her existence to wear off a little. Jenna and I spent the afternoon catching bugs for hoppy. I have no idea how much they eat, but she downed 3 Rollie pollies, a fly , an ant, and a beetle in about 5 minutes. I am not sure how we are going to feed this little critter in the winter. I am going to have to pay neighbor kids to catch bugs for my frog!

Wednesday, September 5, 2007


Over Labor day weekend we decided to take a trip to Chicago. Which is about a 5 hour trip. All in all, I think it went well. For some reason we always think that we will be able to sit back, and relax on vacation. Somehow traveling with 3 kids, is never as relaxing as I imagine it to be!

We made the mistake of staying by the airport, (thank you priceline!) It sounded great at first but once we got there we realized, we had very limited food options, as well as transportation. (Since we either had to pay $38 a day for parking or park in the airport economy lot and take a train to are car!) We ended up spending a lot of time on the subway, which we quickly noticed we were the only ones with kids on the subway! It wasn't all that bad once we got a little more familiar with the area.
The first day we walked through Millennium Park, there is this really neat water Park with these huge TV screens that shoot water out.

We also went to the Field museum which is where Sue the Dinosaur is. Sue is the most complete Dinosaur fossil ever found and it was discovered in 1999. The field museum had everything from Mummies to Crystals.
The second day we went to a place called Navy Pier. That was a lot of fun there is a great Children's museum, that we spent the majority of the day at. The girls had a great time digging for fossils!
The last day we swam at the hotel, which by the way was Jenna's favorite part of the trip! Sometimes as parents I think we try way to hard! We went to IKEA, which I have never been to an Ikea store it was huge! Then we took the kids to the Rain Forest cafe, and made some fun memories there.
It took forever to get out of Chicago. (That is one thing we noticed when we arrived is how busy it was still, at 10:00pm.) We ended up taking a wrong turn and toured a pretty rough part of Chicago. I was glad to see the interstate again. We had considered going to the Indiana Sand Dunes, but decided to head home. That is, until we missed our exit. (The signs are not marked well at all.) Once we stopped to buy an Indiana map and figure out where we were, we realized we were only about 15 minutes from the dunes, and the BEACH! I am so glad we missed our exit, because this was so worth it. We got to the beach right as the sun was starting to set. It was so beautiful.

We didn't have our beach attire on, but that never stops kids(or parents!) So when we were finished we were covered in sand and soaked from head to toe! It was so fun to watch the sun go down, and relax on the beach. I think this was the highlight of our trip!! At least it was for me.